Smart Gym

Smart Gym

  • With the cloud service system, to achieve unattended management, saving labor costs.
  • Monitoring the sports training, to help end users exercise more efficiently.
  • Digital management and analysis, assisting coaches to track, arrange end users’ courses, and provide more precise guidance.
Cloud Competition Platform

Cloud Competition Platform

  • To Improve the willingness of members to exercise in the gym through the community interaction.
  • Improve end user’s stickiness; enhance sports joy through the competition mode.
Smart Clothing Monitoring and Analysis

Smart Clothing Monitoring and Analysis

  • Collaborate with Japan's well-known company Gunze, develop the Smart Clothing.
  • Monitoring of heart rate, body temperature and humidity and other physiological data in real-time.
  • Digital management and analysis, Such as the protection of workers life safety, and emergency notification for the elderly.

Smart Physical Fitness Evaluation

  • Physical fitness evaluation is a system which combines 3D depth image with 2D color image recognition and measurement technology.
  • The main functions include cardiorespiratory endurance, skeletal muscular, endurance, skeletal muscular strength, flexibility, balance and so on.
  • Combined with the physical fitness norm, help the subjects understand the results of the test, to improve the tracking proposal.
  • Customized data analysis and report with complete presentation.