Issue Date: April 02, 2024

Net Zero Process

Net Zero Declaration


Science Based Targets (SBT) Process

In April 2024, Coretronic passed the validation of the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), an authoritative international organization on climate change. This accomplishment fully demonstrates Coretronic's achievements and determination in "Sustainable Transformation is Imperative." Coretronic is committed to following the carbon reduction targets and pathways outlined by SBTi, striving to meet the standards set by the United Nations Climate Summit's Paris Agreement, which aims to limit global average temperature rise to 1.5°C. Coretronic has been implementing carbon reduction goals individually, and the results have significantly exceeded the expected net-zero pathway. 

  • 2022:Publicly declared net-zero emissions and submitted the carbon reduction commitment to SBTi.
  • 2023:Submitted science-based carbon reduction targets.
  • 2024:Passed the science-based carbon reduction target verification, committing to "an absolute reduction of 50.4% in Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions and an absolute reduction of 30% in Scope 3 emissions by 2032 compared to the 2021 baseline."

To achieve the SBT goal, Coretronic annually proposes and implements various energy-saving measures, replaces energy-consuming equipment, and introduces ISO 50001 energy management and central monitoring systems to identify hotspots and implement countermeasures. Additionally, Coretronic has built eight solar power generation systems in Taiwan and China for self-use, increasing the renewable energy utilization rate to 16% in 2023. As Scope 3 emissions mainly come from raw material procurement and product energy consumption, Coretronic has implemented strategies such as establishing a supply chain environmental management system, focusing on green product technology innovation, adopting recycled materials, and reducing machine energy consumption to reduce Scope 3 emissions and achieve a circular economy, lightening the burden on the planet.

Note: Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions refer to Categories 1 and 2, and Scope 3 refers to Categories 3 to 6.