Issue Date: July 23, 2024

Climate change has become the most prominent and impactful sustainable issue globally in recent years. Coretronic, with its core philosophy of "Environmental Sustainability 4G Force", continues to implement eco-friendly measures and the "Green Life Practice Program", inviting green partners to participate in "Green Earth, Green Action, and Green Knowledge". By enhancing employees' awareness of energy conservation and environmental protection and reducing office water consumption and carbon dioxide emissions, Coretronic aims to create a green factory. With the green culture, we hope to expand our impact, devoting ourselves to mitigating the environmental effects of climate change.
In 2023, Coretronic organized the "Turning off Lights for One Hour" event, inviting 111 suppliers and 18 local elementary schools to participate, with nearly 20,000 people responding. The Company also shared its internal environmental education online courses on the Coretronic APP, allowing employees and their families to watch together, expanding the reach of environmental education. Coretronic also actively engage in environmental charity activities and respond local government needs by adopting public toilets and coastlines. Additionally, we convert the benefits of the environmental activities into donation, thereby expanding the impact from with to the outside.

Green Earth - International Day Activities

World Water Day

Kunshan plants saved water by "turning off two-thirds of the taps for domestic water use," raising awareness of water conservation among employees, in total of 1,409 participants, reducing water usage by about 6.1% of the average daily usage, reducing carbon by 0.14 tons.

Earth Day

  • Turning off Lights for One Hour: The "Turning off Lights for One Hour" event was held for the 4th consecutive year, Taiwan and China' s 9 plants, 18 elementary schools, and 111 suppliers responded, with a total of 19,117 participants, saving 2,020 kWh of electricity and reducing carbon emissions by 1.1 tons.
  • Green Exchange: Taiwan plants invited employees to recycle used batteries, CDs, aluminum cans, PET bottles, aluminum foil packs, second-hand books, and receipts in exchange for eco-friendly products. A total of 500 participants, recycling 7,463 batteries, 374 CDs, and 2,096 aluminum cans and 481 receipts were collected and donated to the "World Peace Association" and the "Taiwan Environmental Information Association," and 30 second-hand books were sold, with the proceeds donated to the "Homeless Taiwan Association".

World Food Day

China plants held a "Clean Plate Activity" during lunchtime, encouraging employees to practice food conservation by taking only what they can eat to reduce food waste, total 2 events were held with 5,222 participants

World Car-Free Day

To reduce the use of fuel-powered vehicles, China plants encouraged taking public transportation, cycling, or walking to work, reducing air pollution caused by vehicles, in totla of 24 events were held with 1,752 participants, reducing fuel-powered vehicle travel by 29,713 km and reducing carbon emissions by 7 tons.

World Cleanup Day

Kunshan plants held the "Saluting the Green Guardians of the City" event, sponsoring 60 beverages to appreciate the hard work of sanitation workers in maintaining a clean environment. Also, Kunshan plants organized the "Donate Preloved Items, Share Love" event, with 21 participants donating 67 pieces of clothing and 160 books to the Kunshan Charity Foundation

Green Knowledge

Environmental Education Site Visit

  • Green World Ecological Farm: Lixing and Chunan Plant invited colleagues and their families to visit the Green World Ecological Farm. Through the introduction of rare plant species and biodiversity exploration courses, learning about natural biodiversity and conservation efforts. A total of 152 people participated, accumulating 608 person-hours of environmental education.
  • Tree Valley Food and Agriculture and Ecological Exploration Environmental Education Site: Tainan Plants 1 and 2 invited colleagues and their families to visit Tree Valley Farm. Through earth games and simulated insect models, they learned about the local ecology and environmental sustainability concepts. They also experienced food and agriculture education by making oven-baked pizzas. A total of 80 people participated, accumulating 240 person-hours of environmental education.

Environmental Education Video Promotion

  • Taiwan plant added 6 educational videos on important environmental issues such as energy conservation and carbon reduction, marine ecology, ecological conservation, climate change, and circular economy to the Coretronic APP, allowing employees and their families to watch together, raise awareness of environmental issues, and participate in environmental protection activities. A total of 1,140 person-hours were accumulated. At the same time, a prize quiz was held to encourage employees to watch environmental education videos, attracting 748 participants, with a satisfaction score of 98.
  • Starting from 2023, China plant has been promoting the Environmental Education Video Viewing Program, recommending 4 environmental education videos for colleagues to watch, accumulating a total of 10,109 person-hours.

Green Actions

Green Life Experience

  • Tree Planting Activities: Tainan Plant 1 and Wujiang Plant jointly hosted 2 "Tree Planting Activities", planting seedlings in the open spaces to increase greenery and purify the air quality of the plants. A total of 66 participants.
  • Recycled Waste Transformation - Planter DIY: Tainan Plant 1 and 2 used discarded tin and aluminum cans as raw materials for planter DIY, allowing colleagues to further understand the concept of sustainable reuse. A total of 30 participants.

Low-carbon Healthy Walk Activity

The Kunshan plant organized a "Green Walk – Healthy Hiking" lowcarbon walking activity at the City Ecological Forest Park. The event promoted the concept of prioritizing the use of low-carbon transportation modes (such as buses and shared bicycles) and bringing personal water bottles to colleagues and their families, in order to protect the natural ecology. At the same time, through the hiking activity, participants exercised both physically and mentally, experiencing the beauty of a sustainable city and low-carbon travel. A total of 50 participants.

Adopt Public Toilets

Chunan and Tainan Plant 1 have responded to the government's public toilet adoption program for 4 consecutive years, adopting 5 public toilets in the local township office where the plants are located. In addition to providing local residents with a better toilet environment, water-soluble toilet paper is also provided to reduce waste generation. Nearly NT$180,000 was invested, benefiting 430,000 residents and reducing carbon emissions from waste by 3.7 tons.

Sponsoring Straw Decomposer

Since 2021, for 3 consecutive years, Coretronic has joined the "Eco-Friendly, Improving Air Pollution" alliance, providing straw decomposer to farmers in Hsinchu County. This allows them to use straw decomposer instead of burning straw, effectively improving air pollution problems. In 2023, we sponsored NT$470,000 to purchase 2,000 bottles of decomposer, which can be used for 200 hectares of rice fields, accounting for approximately 5% of the rice field area in Hsinchu County, reducing carbon emissions by 1,800 tons.

Clean Water and Mountain Activities

  • Beach cleanup: Since 2017, the Chunan plant has adopted and maintained the Long Fong Fishing Port for seven consecutive years. In 2022, it signed an adoption contract for the Long Fong Fishing Harbor coast until 2025. In 2023, the "Long Fong Fishing Port Cleanup Event" was held, combining three major features: "Ecology x Treasure Hunt x Public Welfare" For the first time, suppliers were invited to join the effort to protect the ocean, and a total of 352 kg of marine waste was cleaned up. Over 7 years of beach cleanups, a total of 2.4 tons of marine waste has been collected, and nearly NT$57,000 has been donated to the "Society of Wilderness."
  • Mountain/river cleanup: In 2023, the Wujiang plant held two mountain and river cleanup events to protect the mountains and water and maintain the ecological environment. 24 participants cleaned up 61 kg of garbage. The goal was to raise environmental awareness among employees through these environmental protection activities. Additionally, to revive the river's aquatic ecology, 600 native grass carp fry were released into Taihu Lake, bringing new life to the lake.

"Step Up" Stair Climbing Activity

  • We develop our own counter devices on each floor to record the carbon footprint of our colleagues climbing the stairs, and in 2015 we will launch the "Step Up" stair climbing activity, hoping to internalize the awareness of energy conservation and carbon reduction within the Company.
  • By improving machine stability, a friendly participation mechanism, an interesting competition reward system, and encouraging colleagues to form teams to climb stairs, CEO Sarah Lin has specially invited colleagues to join her in climbing stairs to reduce carbon emissions, promoting the stair climbing culture from top to bottom.
  • From 2015 to 2023, the stair climbing activity accumulated over 220 million steps, equivalent to climbing 12,489 Yushan Mountains in Taiwan, saving 3.09 million kWh of electricity, and reducing 1,594 tons of carbon emissions, equivalent to 4.1 Da'an Forest Parks.

Increasing the Usage of Green Products

  • In response to the green procurement policy of the Ministry of Environment and implementing the eco-friendly concept of "recyclable, low-pollution, and resource-saving," we encourage suppliers to actively develop green products to improve its quality in Taiwan. We prioritize the procurement of lowpollution, recyclable, resource-saving, or green building materials, self-declared or products with a lower environmental impact throughout their life cycle (from raw material acquisition to disposal).
  • In 2023, the declared amount for Taiwan plants was NT$40.84 million, a 15% increase compared to 2022. This increase is due to the inclusion of solar power system installation costs at Chunan, Tainan plant 1, and Tainan plant 2 in the declaration scope. The declared amounts for all four Taiwan factories met the Ministry of Environment's "Outstanding Green Procurement Units" reward standards.
  • In 2023, we procured 34,584 packages of eco-labeled toilet paper, 21,020 packages of eco-friendly hand towels, and 1,820 packages of PEFC-certified copy paper